† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11605178) and the Science Challenging Project, China (Grant Nos. JCKY2016212A505 and TZ2016001).
Low density and low convergence implosion occurs in the exploding-pusher target experiment, and generates neutrons isotropically to develop a high yield platform. In order to validate the performance of ShenGuang (SG) laser facility and test nuclear diagnostics, all 48-beam lasers with an on-target energy of 48 kJ were firstly used to drive room-temperature, DT gas-filled glass targets. The optimization has been carried out and optimal drive uniformity was obtained by the combination of beam repointing and target. The final irradiation uniformity of less than 5% on polar direct-drive capsules of
The direct-drive exploding pusher target experiments[1–3] were designed to develop a high neutron yield platform before the cryogenic system is operational. The exploding pusher implosions are directly heated by laser, drive a strong shock wave into the fuel, and produce fusion reactions. Strong-shock implosions[4] have been demonstrated to be insensitive to the drive-asymmetry and have one dimension feature. Such excellent platform has the advantages of monoenergetic neutron or proton, and is usually used to develop the nuclear diagnostic system and to study the nuclear and plasma processes. When D3He gas is imploded,[5,6] the implosion works as monoenergetic proton backlighting[7,8] to study the high-energy-density phenomena in both basic science and inertial confinement fusion, such as self-generated fields,[9] Rayleigh–Taylor instability growth,[10] etc.
High convergence, direct drive implosions require spherically uniform irradiation to reduce the hydrodynamic instabilities.[11] The overall nonuniformity should be less than 1% root-mean-square, depending on the number of beams and the beam placement. The sufficient, symmetrical beam distribution, like in the Omega Laser Facility,[12] is suitable for the direct drive implosions. In order to perform the direct drive experiment on the indirect drive laser facility, the polar direct-drive[13] (PDD) has been proposed. PDD repoints some of the beams toward the polar or equator of the target to achieve the most-uniform irradiation. The repointed beams are more obliquely incident on the target, and have lower laser absorption and less laser–target coupling efficiency, thereby the higher laser energy is required and the more complexity pulse shapes are employed to satisfy the drive uniformity. Nevertheless, the energy coupling efficiency to the fuel of the PDD approach is higher than that of the indirect drive. The PDD proof-of-principle experiments[14] were demonstrated on OMEGA using the 40-beam subset without the equatorial beams.
The direct drive exploding pusher implosions are proposed to produce high neutron yields from the beginning of laser fusion.[11] The long wavelength laser was used in the early exploding-pusher experiments, but the low laser absorption[15] and high fuel preheat precluded high compression. The exploding pusher implosions at Nova[16] and Omega[1] were developed to high neutron yield sources for neutron diagnostic development. The neutron yield up to 1.4×1014 makes Omega have the chance to study the anomalous degradation in yield with 3He addition,[17] calibrate the differential cross section for the elastic n–2H and n–3H scatterings,[18] test the effect of pre-mix Ar and Xe,[19] and measure the stopping of energetic D3He protons in warm dense plasma.[20] The National Ignition Facility[21] (NIF) PDD experiments began with exploding-pusher capsules to generate a large amount of neutrons and protons for diagnostic calibration purpose. It was also used to develop the nuclear science platform[22,23] to probe the ion kinetic effects,[24,25] infer mixed mass,[26,27] and study the nuclear reaction relevant to stellar nucleosynthesis[28] and big-bang nucleosynthesis.[2]
This article introduces our first PDD, DT fuel implosion experiments on the ShenGuang (SG) laser facility.[29] The experiments imploded some room-temperature gas-filled glass capsules with 1 ns square pulse. The experimental neutron yields exceeded 1013, and severely depended on the irradiation uniformity, laser timing, diameter and fuel pressure of the target. We start with the introduction of the SG laser facility, beam repointing strategy, and experiment details. Then the first implosion experiment results of nuclear diagnostic are described. Finally, the discussions and conclusions are made.
The PDD experiments were carried on the SG laser facility.[29] SG is designed with 48 laser beams which are distributed over four cones per hemisphere, at polar angles θ = 28.5°, 35°, 49.5°, and 55° referred to the target chamber axis, as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. The SG beam configuration. All beams are arranged in four rings per hemisphere (θ = 28.5°, 35°, 49.5°, 55°). Solid circle: original place; dashed circle: repointed place. |
The SG facility is designed for indirect-drive inertial confinement fusion research and can deliver more than 100 kJ of ultraviolet light (λ = 351 nm, 3ω of Nd laser) within 3 ns pulse duration. When the laser is used for direct-drive implosion, the beam centerlines should be realigned and the beam power should be adjusted to improve the implosion uniformity to acceptable levels. The optimized repointing is to move the inner cones to polar and the outer cones to equator, which increases the drive energy on the capsuleʼs polar and equator, as shown in Fig.
The continuous phase plate (CPP) smoothing technique[30] has been used in the SG facility, and it is expected to produce a uniform circular intensity profile with the diameter
The laser intensity profile
![]() | Fig. 3. The laser intensity distribution of each cone, related to the angle of laser incident. The highest intensity of each beam is 0.9–1.4×1015 W/cm2. |
When the ratio of laser-spot size to target diameter is reduced to below 0.8, the neutron yields rapidly decrease despite increasing absorbed energy.[32] Thus the initial implosion experiments were performed on glass-shell capsules with diameters
To minimize the irradiation nonuniformity and optimize the repointing distances, 3D view factor method,[33] an analytical geometry method, was used to rapidly evaluate the root-mean-square deviation of the laser intensity over the target. It assumes that energy deposition is related to the angle of normal (γ) on the target surface to compensate reduced absorption at the polar or equator, where laser beam trajectories are seriously diverted when a plasma corona develops. The principle of the maximum utilization of laser energy and the minimum cross of laser beam were also employed, the centers of laser beams were limited in the corresponding hemisphere where lasers irradiated on.
As the first PDD experiments on the SG facility, the laser beams were repointed, the laser power and pulse shape were not adjusted. Two different distribution assumptions of the energy deposition were employed. Firstly, the energy deposition is given by a
![]() | Fig. 5. The irradiation uniformity on ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Three nuclear diagnostics were used to measure the neutron yield, ion temperature, and neutron bang time in our first PDD experiments. Optical and x-ray diagnostic systems were not used because of the pollution of tritium. The copper activation system,[35] which was calibrated at an accelerator, was used to absolutely measure the primary neutron yield. The Φ 7 cm×1 cm copper sample was located at 82 cm from the target chamber center (TCC). The ion temperature was measured by a neutron time-of-flight (nTOF) detector.[36] The nTOF detector, composed of a plastic scintillator and fast photomultiplier tubes, was placed at 10–13 m from TCC. The neutron fusion reaction rate diagnostic system[37] based on the fast plastic scintillator and optical streak camera measured the neutron bang time and fusion reaction rate history. The 2 mm-thin fast plastic scintillator (EJ232) was placed at a 3 cm distance from TCC and acted as a neutron-to-light converter. The time response of the detector is less than 30 ps.
CH ablator targets of different thicknesses, including
![]() | Fig. 6. The neutron yield measured by copper activation system. YOC is between 5% and 20%. Shot 20151227103 was imploded with ![]() ![]() |
The neutron yield was very small in the shot 20151222099 (3.4×1011), far below from the simulated yield. After carefully checking the characters of the facility, the laser timing was found to be the key problem. Figure
![]() | Fig. 7. The statistic results of two shots: (a) before and (b) after the laser timing was regulated. The maximum error was larger than 200 ps before the laser timing was modulated. |
The ratio of the neutron yield to the 1D prediction yield over clean (YOC) was 5%–20%. The clean yields were simulated by hydrodynamics code Muli1D[38] with a flux limiter of 0.03 and local heat transport model. The last four shots were firstly simulated because of the only obtained results of neutron bang time shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 8. Neutron bang time measured by neutron fusion reaction rate diagnostic system. Only the last four shots were available and presented. |
The neutron bang time was measured by the neutron fusion reaction rate diagnostic system.[37] The available results were only obtained at the last four shots. After neutron signal extraction and time-based correction, information of the neutron bang time is encoded in the leading edge of the pulse, as shown in Fig.
The ion temperature was deduced from the nTOF spectrum.[36] The measured results of ion temperature except the last shot are shown in Fig.
The neutron yields of the exploding pusher target were stable between 6×1012 and 1×1013, though the thickness of the CH ablator was slightly changed. Because the density of glass was higher than the CH density, the implosion performance of
The highest neutron yield was observed at the second repointing assumption. This assumption moves more laser energy to polar to increase the irradiation. Without other changes of experimental condition, the experimentally increased neutron yield in the second assumption revealed the improved implosion symmetry. In order to simulate the improvement of symmetry, the hydrodynamics code Multi2D[41] was used. Multi2D includes Lagrangian hydrodynamics, diffusive heat transport, and laser deposition. Laser deposition is modeled with 3D ray tracing algorithm including refraction and absorption by classical inverse bremsstrahlung, but not crossed-beam energy transport. Figure
![]() | Fig. 10. Pressure distribution of hot spot: (a) ![]() ![]() |
The neutron yield of the shot 20151222099 was very small, the laser timing was found to be the key reason. The timing fluctuation can be also considered as the bad symmetry. For the direct drive, the considerably fluctuation of the laser timing makes the time discrepancy of the strong shock produced at the glass shell, then the shock cannot arrive at the center of the target at the same time, and the gas fuel cannot be compressed and heated enough when the shock rebounds back through the fuel. The diverge shock wave produces little of fusion reaction. Figure
The laser drive uniformity is also important for the direct drive exploding pusher implosion, it can be indirectly validated from Fig.
![]() | Fig. 11. Measured neutron yield as a function of (a) the diameter and (b) the gas pressure of the target. One shot was imploded with ![]() ![]() |
The neutron yield is also related with the fuel pressure, as shown in Fig.
The neutron yields of exploding pusher target experiments were lower than the desired yields. The neutron yield of 1013 is not enough high for the nuclear physics application, such as neutron imaging system, the signal noise ratio is only 7 dB for glass capillaries with 200-
![]() | Fig. 12. Neutron yield from Multi1D simulation with three diameters and different fill pressures of glass target. |
The simulated results generally reproduce the experiment trends shown in Fig.
The SG laser facility is initially designed for the indirect-drive implosion experiments with 48 laser beams. The laser beams need be repointed to improve drive uniformity when PDD implosion experiments are carried out. By using a set of optimized repointing parameters to increase the drive on the capsuleʼs polar and equator, the final irradiation nonuniformity was less than 5% on PDD capsules of
In the first PDD experiments, the thin-glass shell targets were used. The operation capability of the SG facility was tested and demonstrated. When the capsules were
Nuclear diagnostics, including the copper activation system, nTOF detector, and neutron fusion reaction rate diagnostic system have demonstrated high performance in excess of their specifications in the PDD experiments. With the implementation of these nuclear diagnostics, the dependence of the neutron yields on irradiation uniformity, laser timing, diameter and fuel pressure of target were investigated in our experiments. The results show that the larger diameter and lower fuel pressure of the target are in favor of increasing neutron yields.
Higher yield requirement of minimum of 1014 urges to further optimize the target parameters, including the diameter and fill pressure. Another direction under investigation is to optimize repointing by including the effects of mispointing, power imbalance, and study the effects of beam smoothing and pulse shaping.
The authors would like to thank the staffs of the target fabrication and the SG laser facility for their cooperation.
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